LEZAMA DEMOLICIONES, S.L.U. is certified in the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standars, for demolition and waste management operations. In addition, the management system complies with the requirements of the ZERO WASTE standard.

Lezama Demoliciones is an authorised CDW manager (Authorisation Code EUX/003/15), using mobile plants, which gives legal coverage to its CDW management activities.

The company is also accredited by the AEDED (Spanish Association of Demolition Companies) and is a member of the EDA (European Demolition Association) and EDI (European Decontamination Institute), and is also accredited by them.

Lezama Demoliciones is also a partner of the environment and construction cluster of the Basque Country, and of the Biscayan excavation cluster. Thanks to the alliances established, the 3 sectors are growing hand in hand with professional and well-established companies in the industrial sectors of the Basque Country.

Lezama Demoliciones is also registered in the REA (‘REGISTER OF ACCREDITED COMPANIES IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY’, with CNAE 4311 Demolition), RERA (Register of Companies with Risk of Asbestos), and is qualified as a contractor for state works, in group C, subgroup 01 and category 6.

Our action protocols follow the code of practice established by BS 6187.

Lezama also has a Crime Prevention System in place, as well as a cybersecurity policy and a security breach notification protocol.

LEZAMA DEMOLICIONES, S.L.U., with over 26 years in the industry, is a company whose activity is developed in all industrial sectors, focusing its activity on: Demolitions and recovery of industrial materials (ferrous and non-ferrous metals, concrete, ceramics, glass, plastics, wood) and their classification at source for subsequent recycling. CDW management.

For our SUPPLIERS we have at your disposal the Purchasing and Supplier Management Procedure that Lezama has implemented and that will be applied in the commercial relationship in accordance with the UNE EN ISO 9.001:2015 Quality standards.

You can review the information on the procedure for purchasing management and supplier evaluation by clicking on the following button: