LEZAMA DEMOLICIONES, S.L.U., with 30 years in the industry, is a company whose activity is developed in all industrial sectors, focusing its activity on: Demolitions and recovery of industrial materials (ferrous and non-ferrous metals, concrete, ceramics, glass, plastics, wood) and their classification at source for subsequent recycling. Construction and Demolition Waste Management.

LEZAMA DEMOLICIONES, S.L.U., as a company aware of the necessary respect required by our environment and the legal system, is committed to the implementation of an Integrated Quality, Environmental Management and Occupational Health and Safety System (SGA/SSL), based on the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14.001:2015 and ISO 45.001:2018 standards and legal requirements, through a commitment to crime prevention within the company, adopting the following commitments:

  1. Comply with the applicable quality, environmental management and occupational health and safety regulations in force and other requirements to which the company subscribes.
  2. Identify and evaluate the significant aspects or requirements when carrying out its activities / services, developing control and monitoring plans for the development of activities from an environmental and occupational health and safety point of view.
  3. Prevent and minimise the negative repercussions that our activities may cause to clients, company personnel, the environment and occupational safety, within a commitment to continuous improvement and prevention of contamination and occupational risk prevention, as well as client satisfaction.
  4. Conserve resources and energy, through proper waste management and by reducing fuel consumption.
  5. The achievement of the Company’s and the Group’s Strategies, developed in the Management Programmes, describing Objectives and Indicators consistent with this Policy, which are established by the General Management.
  6. Periodically review the Integrated Management System, assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of the measures carried out, and the achievement of the established objectives, in order to minimise negative repercussions towards third parties, within the framework of re-establishing new strategies.
  7. Provide training and ensure adequate awareness of its employees, as well as those working on its behalf, in the knowledge, behaviour and compliance with the rules and requirements of the Integrated Environmental and Occupational Safety Management System.
  8. Make this Quality, Environmental Management and Occupational Safety Policy and commitment to crime prevention available to all members of the public who may be interested in it.
  9. Implement and disseminate the necessary measures to prevent the commission of crimes in the company area, through training and control, as provided for in the Compliance Manual.


Assign the people and the human, technological and knowledge resources necessary for the proper and efficient development of the services and processes carried out.

Germán Pardo
Chief Executive Officer
Bilbao, April 2018